Mindfulness For Kids Collection - 3 Books

Mindfulness For Kids Collection - 3 Books

By Various Authors

ISBN: 9780241510469
Publisher: DK Children
Format: Hardback
Size: 276 x 216mm
No of Pages: 72 each
Age: 7+

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Our 3-book Mindfulness for Kids collection shows that supporting a child's positive mental health doesn't need to be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult, and that children can de-stress, focus, and get moving while having fun. Yoga and mindfulness have been shown to improve both physical and mental health in children and have all been growing in popularity at schools around the UK as a way to support pupils' wellbeing. Each book in this timely collection is packed full of clear photographs and instructions, all aimed at ages 7 and up.

Mindfulness for Kids - Mindfulness is a big word for a simple idea - it is paying attention, with care, to one moment at a time. The perfect introduction to mindfulness, this book teaches kids how to be mindful by focusing their thoughts and noticing the world around them using fun activities. Each chapter focuses on a different attribute - Focus, Calm, Move, Change, and Reflect. Help to settle your emotions by making a glitter jar, take time to appreciate food using mindful eating, and find out how to take a rainbow breath.

Yoga for Kids - Teaches kids 50 yoga, meditation, and mindfulness activities which are easy for children to follow, with extra information included to help them understand the benefits of each pose and tips on how to do the poses safely. Yoga is a great way to teach children about relaxation, meditation, and peace - whilst having fun and keeping fit at the same time. They can stretch into tree pose, bend into butterfly pose, or let out a lion’s breath.

I am, I Can - Affirmations are positive mantras, repeated to improve self-worth. This book empowers children by providing an affirmation for every single day of the year around themes such as positivity, calm, and adventure. Affirmations tied to certain key events from history also provide motivation and encouragement and extra discussion points – for example on 1st December, Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on the bus links to the affirmation "I stand up for myself and others."

Titles in this pack:

  • Calm - Mindfulness For Kids
  • Yoga For Kids
  • I Am, I Can: 365 Affirmations for Kids